Format Hardcover
Publication Date 09/02/25
ISBN 9781639369553
Trim Size / Pages 6 x 9 in / 368

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Food Fight

From Plunder and Profit to People and Planet

Stuart Gillespie

"Scholarly, literate and deeply moving, this isn't just a good read, it's an essential reference for anyone hoping to understand the food system, why it's broken and how we might imagine fixing it."—Chris Van Tulleken, author of Ultra-Processed People

Food is life but our food system is killing us. Designed in a different century for a different purpose—to mass-produce cheap calories to prevent famine—it’s now generating obesity, ill-health and premature death. We need to transform it, into one that is capable of nourishing all eight billion of us and the planet we live on.

In Food Fight, Stuart Gillespie reveals how the food system we once relied upon for global nutrition has warped into the very thing making us sick. From its origins in colonial plunder, through the last few decades of neoliberalism, the system now lies in the tight grip of a handful of powerful transnationals whose playbook is geared to profit at any cost.

Both unflinching exposé and revolutionary call to arms, Food Fight shines a light inside the black box of politics and power and, crucially, maps a way towards a new system that gives us hope for a future of global health and justice.

Dr. Stuart Gillespie has been fighting to transform our broken food system for the past 40 years. Stuart has been at the helm of the IFPRI’s Regional Network on AIDs, Livelihoods and Food Security, has led the flagship Agriculture for Nutrition and Health research program, was director of the Transform Nutrition West Africa program, and founded the Stories of Change initiative, amongst a host of other interventions into public food policy. His work – the ‘food fight’ he has been waging – has driven change across all frontiers, from the grassroots (mothers in markets, village revolutionaries) to the political (corporate behemoths, governance).

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Endorsements & Reviews

"Scholarly, literate and deeply moving, this isn't just a good read, Food Fight is an essential reference for anyone hoping to understand the food system, why it's broken and how we might imagine fixing it." Chris van Tulleken, author of Ultra-Processed People
"From his years of experience working in international nutrition, Gillespie has on-the-ground knowledge of why and how global food systems lead to widespread hunger, obesity and environmental damage, and what needs to be done to make those systems healthier for all. He makes it clear that this food fight is crucial to take on." Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics
"If you want to change our rotten corrupt food system, you first have to understand it. Food Fight is the gripping book we have been waiting for, from a veteran of the food wars. Essential reading for anyone interested in our health and the planet." Tim Spector, author of Spoon Fed and Food for Life
"Stuart Gillespie has spent over forty years working on the front-line of nutrition policies across the world—in this brilliant book, he pulls together why we’re still seeing such high levels of malnutrition in the world, the role of corporations, and key suggestions on how to improve it. A must-read for those interested in food and nutrition." Devi Sridhar, author of Preventable and Professor & Chair of Global Public Health, University of Edinburgh
"The need for a radical overhaul of our food system has never been more urgent. Food Fight powerfully articulates the intricate web of historical, economic and political factors that have led us to this point of crisis. It is a clarion call for action, demanding that we rethink and restructure our food systems not just for today, but for generations to come. We owe it to our children and our planet to move beyond incremental reforms and embrace true transformation."  Henry Dimbleby, author of Ravenous